Lu Guang.

Lu Guang


Lu Guang has been a freelance photographer since 1993. He has been documenting major issues around his home town and all over China, focusing on some of the most significant social, health, and environmental issues facing his country today. 

One of the environmental subjects he has worked on is the polluted waters and health issues caused by textile manufacturers in Xingtang. I find him important and relative for my project because he has communicated these awful environmental issues visually and has physically seen the damage that has been done by these textile factories. 

Not only that but his photographs have made many news reporters and environmental practices aware of this devastating situation. 
Each photograph is raw, it is almost a crime scene. The villagers faces reveal everything, his compositions, lighting and angles of his photographs communicate a strong understanding of the pollution and the effects it is having on the villagers. 
I really like how he captures images of the industrial sites but focusing the environmental issues from within. He is showing where the pollution starts and what the exhausting and dangerous work the villagers do to create clothes for us. 

Lu Guang is the only photographer that has taken photos of the water pollution and the health issues in the province that I am basing my project on. I have decided to use these photographs in my garments, in some way, I want to use them because they communicate the issues visually.

I want to ask Lu Guang if i can use his photos and put them into my garments but I want to ask him how he would like them to look like, how he think would be effective to communicate to the viewers how devastating the situation is and how the water pollution is effecting the environment. 

Emailing Lu Guang

I finally found photographer, Lu Guangs email address after asking for his contacts through photography websites and companies. I thought this would be great way to get his voice out to help explain what he saw and to get a personal opinion on his photographs that he took of the water pollution in Xintang. 
Even though he is on the there side of the world, I do hope he would take the time to answer these questions but if not I will have to narrow down the questions and add some Chinese translations to hopefully make him more engaged in the email. 

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