Xintang, the Industrial town. "Jeans Capital of the World"

Xintang makes a third of all jeans that are sold around the world. Yes its impressive in such a secluded town but the polluted waters is causing an environmental risk.

The cause is by the process of washing the jeans, all the waste water goes untreated into the communities river even though they have a waste water treatment plant but this has been closed for very a year.

The villagers describe their town as a dark blue industrial park with oil tanks, a power station and an abandoned waste water treatment plant. The river is piled with blue fluff like the foam from a washing machine. Greenpeace found lead, copper and cadmium( a poisonous metal used to control corrosion from materials) - the cadmium was 128 times over the limit and the water pH level (pH measures how acidic or basic the water is from a range of 0-14, with 7 being neutral) was 1.95 indicating that aquatic life would develop deformities, reducing their chance of survival and reducing the chance of locals finding fish to eat. 

Cadmium --

Wate pH Level Diagram --

Lint --

This dangerous industry involves using lots of chemicals. Lint (fine textiles fibres bundled together) are directly disposed into the East river, which is the only source of drinking water for the millions of inhabitants living in Guangzhou Province.


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