Fabrics for Final Garments.
The Cloth House in London so far has the fabrics I want to use for my final garments. Hemp Denim is the only fabric that I think is natural and sustainable. It is one of the most ecologically friendly fabrics and one of the oldest and I think using this will be effective and relatable/understandable with my project.
I like the idea of using natural undid fabrics because it relates to detox and a cleanse. As well it describes my simple and modern approach to the garments.
Organic Textile Company
This company only uses GOTS certified organic cotton yarn, bamboo and linen based ethical fashion fabrics and fair trade cotton and they know exactly where there products are made and weaved - Kerala and Turkey.
They have a collection of none dyed fabrics which has given me the idea of only using these because then I am not supporting the production of wastewater by the dying chemicals and it will be clearly understand visually and conceptually.
Xintang, the Industrial Town. "Chinas Bra Capital"
Just next-door to the "Jeans Capital of the World" is the "Capital of Sexy", Gurao.
Gurao is known for a greeting of billboards advertising lingerie and underwear, this town is filled with families and markets selling and making underwear.
Even though every third woman in China would be able to own a bra just from the 200 million bras that are made in this small town, the wastewater from the dying factory is discharged directly into the local river. The villagers are not able to drink or wash in this river and have to source their fish from elsewhere because its no longer inhabitant for aquatic life.
Children from the age of six have to work during nights and weekends, making over 100 bra straps a day and get paid below the minimum.
The dyes, the hazardous chemicals and the wastewater discharges are costing the environment, health and the children's future.
Gurao is known for a greeting of billboards advertising lingerie and underwear, this town is filled with families and markets selling and making underwear.
Even though every third woman in China would be able to own a bra just from the 200 million bras that are made in this small town, the wastewater from the dying factory is discharged directly into the local river. The villagers are not able to drink or wash in this river and have to source their fish from elsewhere because its no longer inhabitant for aquatic life.
Children from the age of six have to work during nights and weekends, making over 100 bra straps a day and get paid below the minimum.
The dyes, the hazardous chemicals and the wastewater discharges are costing the environment, health and the children's future.
Xintang, the Industrial town. "Jeans Capital of the World"
Xintang makes a third of all jeans that are sold around the world. Yes its impressive in such a secluded town but the polluted waters is causing an environmental risk.
Wate pH Level Diagram --
Lint --
This dangerous industry involves using lots of chemicals. Lint (fine textiles fibres bundled together) are directly disposed into the East river, which is the only source of drinking water for the millions of inhabitants living in Guangzhou Province.

The cause is by the process of washing the jeans, all the waste water goes untreated into the communities river even though they have a waste water treatment plant but this has been closed for very a year.
The villagers describe their town as a dark blue industrial park with oil tanks, a power station and an abandoned waste water treatment plant. The river is piled with blue fluff like the foam from a washing machine. Greenpeace found lead, copper and cadmium( a poisonous metal used to control corrosion from materials) - the cadmium was 128 times over the limit and the water pH level (pH measures how acidic or basic the water is from a range of 0-14, with 7 being neutral) was 1.95 indicating that aquatic life would develop deformities, reducing their chance of survival and reducing the chance of locals finding fish to eat.
Wate pH Level Diagram --
Lint --
This dangerous industry involves using lots of chemicals. Lint (fine textiles fibres bundled together) are directly disposed into the East river, which is the only source of drinking water for the millions of inhabitants living in Guangzhou Province.
Photographer and Filmmaker; Tyrone Lebon.
London based Photographer and Filmmaker Tyrone Lebon, has been working with film and photography since he was eighteen years old. His work is very casual but realistic, he captures quite rare poses that seem unusual but relatable to the viewer. Tyrone makes the models faces look very relaxed by the angle of which the photograph was taken.
Even though the poses are casual they have a contemporary sense to them by the simplistic backgrounds and garments.
My favourite photograph is the one take by the sea because its focusing on the jeans aswell as considering the background and how they compliment one-another. This will be an inspiration for my own photographs of my garments.
London based Photographer and Filmmaker Tyrone Lebon, has been working with film and photography since he was eighteen years old. His work is very casual but realistic, he captures quite rare poses that seem unusual but relatable to the viewer. Tyrone makes the models faces look very relaxed by the angle of which the photograph was taken.
Even though the poses are casual they have a contemporary sense to them by the simplistic backgrounds and garments.
My favourite photograph is the one take by the sea because its focusing on the jeans aswell as considering the background and how they compliment one-another. This will be an inspiration for my own photographs of my garments.
Visual Ideas
Because I have already decided to do Jeans and underwear as my final garments. I will now need to start experimenting shapes and structures that reflect my research of the contaminated waters and how it has effected the health of the community.
These Final garments will be simplistic but with a very strong concept and message. For Inspiration I have bought and searched through magazines such as the 'Vogue March Issue'; 'The Gentlewoman' and 'WAD'. In these magazines I have always sourced images that relate to my theme and concept. What I found were subjects about the new Calvin Klein Jeans and what i loved about this was the photograph
. - it includes water; simplicity; and a sense of comfort. - three words that describe my project and three words that describe this photograph.
These Final garments will be simplistic but with a very strong concept and message. For Inspiration I have bought and searched through magazines such as the 'Vogue March Issue'; 'The Gentlewoman' and 'WAD'. In these magazines I have always sourced images that relate to my theme and concept. What I found were subjects about the new Calvin Klein Jeans and what i loved about this was the photograph
. - it includes water; simplicity; and a sense of comfort. - three words that describe my project and three words that describe this photograph.
This photogrpaher is Tyrone Lebon.
Underwear and Jeans? My personal opinion.
Not only are these two garments the major reason for the contaminated waters but they also give me personal opinions and a lot of experiences that are both negative and positive.
Jeans, from tight to baggy, you will aways feel fab in well-fitted jeans. I personally think tight jeans are absolutely ridiculous, they cut off circulation and you always have that thought stuck in the back of your mind saying "when can I take these off and put on my lounge-pants?!".
Bras, for me, have been a major issue. I have had problems with fitting, with fabric and comfort.
Even after getting fittings I still have problems with the bras I wear.
I do however, have a a smaller bust meaning that I don't need as much support as other women do and the bras don't need to have as much adjustments or mechanisms.
In my opinion I don't think that women need to where thick bras to "boost" their busts or to even "boost" their confidence. Tight bras strain womens backs which doesn't help them to feel comfortable and therefore, it wouldn't make them feel as confident as they could be.
My aim is to create underwear that is comfortable, with comfortable fabrics and of course that can be produced to help manufacturing and the environment in Xingteng.
Jeans, from tight to baggy, you will aways feel fab in well-fitted jeans. I personally think tight jeans are absolutely ridiculous, they cut off circulation and you always have that thought stuck in the back of your mind saying "when can I take these off and put on my lounge-pants?!".
I really want to recreate the comfortable Jeans, the slim-fit design i think, has been quite favourable to women because of the generous ability to move more. Not only is it the style but also the fabric, cotton is always a must, not only is it eco-friendly but its also frie
ndly against your skin.
ndly against your skin.
Xingteng has a major Industry just for Jeans alone, it has been an issue by the toxic dyes, the well-being of the apparel workers and the amount of water that is needed to make one pair of Jeans - LeviStrauss and Co. have made a huge change to the water production of their jeans. They now use 96% percent less water in the production of their jeans than other brands.
To raise awareness of World Water Day people from around the world are posting their support on Instagram. This famous hashtag of the day was created by Drop4Drop charity to let everyone know that it is possible to have clean water but with the help of social media they are hoping that this hashtag would make a change.
Underwear and Jeans.
Underwear and jeans seem to be a mass production in this province. The dying process and the working conditions are causing the biggest impact for communities waters.
The toxic wastage by the dying processes are contaminating the communal waters - causing serious health risks.
Because Lingerie and Jeans are the biggest cause to polluting the waters, I will be using this as a basis of inspiration for developing my garments. They are both very simple designs that will have a strong concept and an important process that will demonstrate how water-dying does not have to be used and how we can conserve water by manufacturing sustainable jeans and underwear.
The toxic wastage by the dying processes are contaminating the communal waters - causing serious health risks.
Because Lingerie and Jeans are the biggest cause to polluting the waters, I will be using this as a basis of inspiration for developing my garments. They are both very simple designs that will have a strong concept and an important process that will demonstrate how water-dying does not have to be used and how we can conserve water by manufacturing sustainable jeans and underwear.
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